
Archana Masih

Archana Masih frequently contributes military features to You can read some of her features in the related links alongside. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by ARCHANA MASIH

'New Pak army chief won't want trouble with India for now'

'New Pak army chief won't want trouble with India for now'

Rediff.com1 Dec 2022

'The last thing he would want is new tensions with India.'

'Imran has divided the Pakistan army'

'Imran has divided the Pakistan army'

Rediff.com1 Dec 2022

'Many senior officers are unhappy with him, but many lower level officers are still supportive.' 'This is also not something that has happened for a long time. So this is certainly a milestone.'

The Soldier Who Was A Chinese PoW For 7 Months

The Soldier Who Was A Chinese PoW For 7 Months

Rediff.com22 Nov 2022

'I was exhausted, hungry, unshaven and despondent.' 'My mouth was full of sores due to dehydration.' 'My clothes were in tatters due to walking through bushes and sliding down thorny slopes,' Brigadier John Parshuram Dalvi wrote of his capture during the 1962 War.

'No man can do more than give his life for his country'

'No man can do more than give his life for his country'

Rediff.com22 Nov 2022

At this time, sixty years ago, Brigadier John Parshuram Dalvi and a majority of his men were captured as prisoners of war by the Chinese during the 1962 war. His son Michael Dalvi, 77, has preserved his father's memory and the story of the gallant men of the 7th Infantry Brigade with honour.

Men Who Fought To The Last Bullet And Last Breath

Men Who Fought To The Last Bullet And Last Breath

Rediff.com11 Nov 2022

'Rezang La was a unique battle.' 'It was not a large scale battle like the Battle of Kohima which involved a large number of troops.' 'Here there was just a company that fought it out till the last man.'

My Father, Mallikarjun Kharge

My Father, Mallikarjun Kharge

Rediff.com7 Nov 2022

'What he says, he does.' 'People say if Khargesahab has said something, it will be set in stone.'

'The women loved Elaben'

'The women loved Elaben'

Rediff.com4 Nov 2022

'Who would think of making a bank of poor women? She had vision and boldness.'

'Yatra breaking down image created around Rahul'

'Yatra breaking down image created around Rahul'

Rediff.com27 Oct 2022

'The Bharat Jodo Yatra has done very well in the south, and if they are able to pull voters in the south and rely on their allies in the north like in Bihar, UP and do well in Rajasthan, then there are chances that there might be a formidable opposition or at least a force to fight the BJP.'

'Modi has gone further than any PM to strengthen ties with the US'

'Modi has gone further than any PM to strengthen ties with the US'

Rediff.com27 Oct 2022

'While the US-Pakistan relationship has been stabilised, it's still mired in uncertainty.'

'US Won't Pressure India On Russia'

'US Won't Pressure India On Russia'

Rediff.com27 Oct 2022

'Washington appears to be playing the long game, and making the argument to India that over the longer term, Russia -- sanctioned, cash-strapped, isolated by the West -- will no longer be a viable defence partner for India'

'If you're a soldier, you have to put fear away'

'If you're a soldier, you have to put fear away'

Rediff.com18 Oct 2022

'I'm now living under threat, but life has to go on because as a soldier, you can't run away from it.'

How The Pakistanis Surrendered In 1971

How The Pakistanis Surrendered In 1971

Rediff.com18 Oct 2022

'We are ready to surrender,' Lieutenant General A A K Niazi said over the phone from Dhaka.

'I could see hundreds of Pakistanis advancing towards us'

'I could see hundreds of Pakistanis advancing towards us'

Rediff.com14 Oct 2022

'The Battle of Jamalpur was a turning point in the 1971 War because a small battalion of 700 men broke the back of the Pakistanis.'

India's Worst Mountaineering Tragedy

India's Worst Mountaineering Tragedy

Rediff.com10 Oct 2022

27 mountaineers perished in an avalanche in the mountains of Uttarakhand last week. The mountaineers were returning from a trek to the Draupadi's Danda mountain peak when disaster struck at 8.45 am in the morning.

'Ghar' Is Such A Lovely Word

'Ghar' Is Such A Lovely Word

Rediff.com7 Oct 2022

A group of retired army officers have come together to provide a home for girls who never had a home before.

'An India exists outside BJP's narrative'

'An India exists outside BJP's narrative'

Rediff.com6 Oct 2022

'This is India. We have allowed ourselves to be dictated by the narrative that the BJP has set for itself.'

'BJP is dismantling this Republic'

'BJP is dismantling this Republic'

Rediff.com6 Oct 2022

Yogendra Yadav: 'For all practical purposes, the Constitution has been rewritten. Only the formality remains, which can be done in 2025.'

'The Yatra is a silver lining in the dark clouds that hover over our country today'

'The Yatra is a silver lining in the dark clouds that hover over our country today'

Rediff.com4 Oct 2022

'Walking is the loudest statement.' 'When someone says, I control everything and no one can oppose me, there are thousands of people on the streets saying no, we oppose you -- this is a very bold statement.'

'CDS must build military to win wars, not just defend borders'

'CDS must build military to win wars, not just defend borders'

Rediff.com30 Sep 2022

'General Anil Chauhan ticks all the right boxes as the new chief of defence staff.'

Why This Military Hero Entered Politics

Why This Military Hero Entered Politics

Rediff.com26 Sep 2022

Colonel Ajay Kothiyal, Kirti Chakra, Shaurya Chakra, is one of the most decorated soldiers to join politics. He still has two bullets lodged inside his body sustained in a gun battle with terrorists in J&K.

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